Join Us
Because we support families at all stages from having just arrived, to moving in to and setting up their own apartment, we accept (and are always in need of!) all types of donations. For smaller items we have a drop point. For larger items, please contact us at the email address below.
Become a Family Host
Family hosts offer space in their homes or rental properties for families without shelter. Hosting a family often leads to a lifetime relationship. Family hosts must complete a background check and interview process.
If you are interested in becoming a family partner or host, please reach out to us.
Become a Family Partner
Family partners accompany families through the process of learning about and navigating systems and services, building social and cultural capital, and becoming accustomed to a new culture. Family partners might spend a few hours a month supporting a newly-arrived family.
One volunteer said, "I have learned more about life and meaning in [my time serving as a family partner] than I thought possible. This work has been life changing."
Reach out to us to start the process of becoming a family partner.